As an independent organizational unit of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Project Management Jülich (PtJ) covers with around 1100 employees a broad range of topics and services in the area of research and innovation management. It combines scientific and structural expertise with administrative competence in a neutral manner independent of its own economic interests.
As one of the leading project management agencies in Germany, Project Management Jülich works hand in hand with public authorities in science, industry, and policy-making. PtJ supports its clients in the German Federal Government as well as the European Commission in implementing their research policy goals with a focus on project funding.
For over 20 years, the National Contact Points managed by PtJ have supported the EU programmes. In the areas of biotechnology/life sciences, energy, materials and environment of the EU research programmes, it is also in charge of programme coordination.
The establishment of a competitive European Research Area (ERA) is a declared objective of the European Commission. PtJ supports its clients in achieving this objective by administering various funding instruments including the European Research Area Networks (e.g. ERA-Net COFUND), Coordination and Support Actions (CSA), Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI), European Innovation Partnerships (EIP), measures pursuant to Article 185 and Inno-Nets. The division of Bioeconomy at PtJ currently participates in seven ERA-Net Co-Funds and even coordinates four out of them.
In the Era-Net SusAn PtJ is responsible for work package 2 and hosts the Call Secretariat. In work package 4 PtJ provides the online system of the monitoring system for midterm and final reporting.
JUELICH (WP2) is presently coordinating one of the first ERA-NET Cofunds, called “FACCE SURPLUS”, which started in March 2015. Furthermore JUELICH has successfully run the Call Secretariat in ANIHWA and FACCE. JUELICH is contributing partner in 6 JPIs (Water, AMR, FACCE, HDHL, Oceans, Urban Europe) and is involved in 17 ERA-NETs.
As an independent organizational unit of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Project Management Jülich (PtJ) covers with around 1100 employees a broad range of topics and services in the area of research and innovation management. It combines scientific and structural expertise with administrative competence in a neutral manner independent of its own economic interests.
As one of the leading project management agencies in Germany, Project Management Jülich works hand in hand with public authorities in science, industry, and policy-making. PtJ supports its clients in the German Federal Government as well as the European Commission in implementing their research policy goals with a focus on project funding.
For over 20 years, the National Contact Points managed by PtJ have supported the EU programmes. In the areas of biotechnology/life sciences, energy, materials and environment of the EU research programmes, it is also in charge of programme coordination.
The establishment of a competitive European Research Area (ERA) is a declared objective of the European Commission. PtJ supports its clients in achieving this objective by administering various funding instruments including the European Research Area Networks (e.g. ERA-Net COFUND), Coordination and Support Actions (CSA), Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI), European Innovation Partnerships (EIP), measures pursuant to Article 185 and Inno-Nets. The division of Bioeconomy at PtJ currently participates in seven ERA-Net Co-Funds and even coordinates four out of them.
In the Era-Net SusAn PtJ is responsible for work package 2 and hosts the Call Secretariat. In work package 4 PtJ provides the online system of the monitoring system for midterm and final reporting.
JUELICH (WP2) is presently coordinating one of the first ERA-NET Cofunds, called “FACCE SURPLUS”, which started in March 2015. Furthermore JUELICH has successfully run the Call Secretariat in ANIHWA and FACCE. JUELICH is contributing partner in 6 JPIs (Water, AMR, FACCE, HDHL, Oceans, Urban Europe) and is involved in 17 ERA-NETs.
Contact: Veronika Jablonowski;