The network partners
The scope for this ERA-NET has been developed under the SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP). Funding organisations from 23 European countries initially seeked to support one co-funded call followed by other joint activities including the development of a Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Sustainable Animal Production.
The animal production sector forms an important part of Europe’s (agricultural) economy and plays an essential role in the provision of Europe`s citizens with high quality animal products. Like other agriculture sectors, animal production faces many challenges from projected increases in global demand for food, climate change, competition for natural resources and economic volatility. The European animal production landscape is very complex, consisting of different species farmed within a wide range of different extensive, semi-intensive and intensive production systems using multiple resources to produce a diverse range of animal products and other services. Partners in this ERA-NET believe, however, that these challenges and complexities can be effectively addressed through joint European research within a framework which supports the three pillars of sustainability - economy, environment and society - and targets opportunities for innovative research spanning all areas of animal production such as health and welfare, feeding and nutrition, reproduction, breeding and genetics, housing, nutrient management and economics. Partners in ERA-NET SusAn endorse scientific excellence and recommend an integrated, interdisciplinary, cross-cutting and multi-actor approach to research and knowledge exchange which reflects the complexity of the research requirements for sustainable European animal production. |

Network Consortium
The Network Management Group (NMG) consist out of the seven Work packages leaders and the Work packages deputy’s. The NMG will contribute to implementing the decisions

Work Description
The main activities of ERA-NET SusAn are divided into two parts.
Part A: Activities related to the co-funded call and the consortium management
Work package 1 “

Network Consortium (NC)
The NC will include at least one representative of each beneficiary (consortium partner). Each beneficiary can also appoint proxy representatives
The longstanding activity of SusAn partners in a very wide and diverse community is one of the key features of the project and a pillar of its success. The project consortium consists of 37 entities from 23 countries, representing the leading national funding bodies for research in the thematic field of this ERA-Net Cofund activity in the EU.

SusAn is led by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE).