The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a public administrative institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The ANR was founded in 2005 to promote French project-based research and to stimulate innovation by promoting the emergence of collaborative multidisciplinary projects and encouraging collaboration between the public and private sectors. It also aims to strengthen the position of French research at European level and worldwide.
The ANR's activities are designed to support the excellence of French research at a variety of technological readiness levels (TRL), support basic research, encourage academic and public-private scientific partnerships and promote European and international cooperation. To achieve these goals, it organises competitive calls for proposals and conducts rigorous selection processes based on peer review, in compliance with international standards: impartiality, equal treatment, confidentiality, ethics, scientific integrity and transparency. The Agency has ISO 9001 certification for its selection processes.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) develops partnerships with funding agencies in different countries to facilitate the co-funding of transnational research projects and strengthen cooperation between French teams and the best European and international teams. 20% of the projects funded every year by the ANR involve European and international partners, representing about 14% of the Agency’s funding budget for calls for proposals. Over 80% of the transnational projects co-funded by the ANR involve European partners. To reinforce the construction of the European Research Area (ERA), the ANR collaborates with European agencies within the framework of the 10 existing Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) of which it is a member. The ANR currently chairs the JPI Water and co-chairs Facce. The Agency also forges partnerships through ERA-NET and ERA-NET Cofund, European Joint Programmes (EJP), Article 185 and Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) and offers specific multilateral calls for proposals to support European collaborations on targeted themes.
Since its foundation, the ANR has taken part in 134 calls arising from ERA-NET, ERA-NET Cofund, JPI or Article 185 initiatives. It is currently a member of 41 ERA-NET Cofunds, two EJPs, one Article 185 and 9 CSAs in all the scientific fields it funds, and is coordinating nine ERA-NET Cofunds and one CSA. In 2018, the ANR took part in 24 calls for proposals emanating from these European initiatives.
ANR (WP3) has successfully carried out the evaluation procedures in other European Networks such as FACCE, BiodivERsA, ARIMNet and COFASP. ANR manages an average of seven International calls per year, three in the Department of Environmental and Biological Resources with the coordination of the Belmont Forum calls.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a public administrative institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The ANR was founded in 2005 to promote French project-based research and to stimulate innovation by promoting the emergence of collaborative multidisciplinary projects and encouraging collaboration between the public and private sectors. It also aims to strengthen the position of French research at European level and worldwide.
The ANR's activities are designed to support the excellence of French research at a variety of technological readiness levels (TRL), support basic research, encourage academic and public-private scientific partnerships and promote European and international cooperation. To achieve these goals, it organises competitive calls for proposals and conducts rigorous selection processes based on peer review, in compliance with international standards: impartiality, equal treatment, confidentiality, ethics, scientific integrity and transparency. The Agency has ISO 9001 certification for its selection processes.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) develops partnerships with funding agencies in different countries to facilitate the co-funding of transnational research projects and strengthen cooperation between French teams and the best European and international teams. 20% of the projects funded every year by the ANR involve European and international partners, representing about 14% of the Agency’s funding budget for calls for proposals. Over 80% of the transnational projects co-funded by the ANR involve European partners. To reinforce the construction of the European Research Area (ERA), the ANR collaborates with European agencies within the framework of the 10 existing Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) of which it is a member. The ANR currently chairs the JPI Water and co-chairs Facce. The Agency also forges partnerships through ERA-NET and ERA-NET Cofund, European Joint Programmes (EJP), Article 185 and Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) and offers specific multilateral calls for proposals to support European collaborations on targeted themes.
Since its foundation, the ANR has taken part in 134 calls arising from ERA-NET, ERA-NET Cofund, JPI or Article 185 initiatives. It is currently a member of 41 ERA-NET Cofunds, two EJPs, one Article 185 and 9 CSAs in all the scientific fields it funds, and is coordinating nine ERA-NET Cofunds and one CSA. In 2018, the ANR took part in 24 calls for proposals emanating from these European initiatives.
ANR (WP3) has successfully carried out the evaluation procedures in other European Networks such as FACCE, BiodivERsA, ARIMNet and COFASP. ANR manages an average of seven International calls per year, three in the Department of Environmental and Biological Resources with the coordination of the Belmont Forum calls.
Contact: Claude Yven,