Federal Ministry of agriculture, regions and tourism

Federal Ministry of agriculture, regions and tourism (BMLRT) is responsible for the management of many resources that built the basis of life – water, forest, arable land and natural ecosystems – managing economic activities in these areas whilst ensuring high quality nature, food and living spaces. 

The BMLRT conducts research to support politics and to deal with specific questions from practice in the area of food security, resource management and circular economy, digitalization etc. The research activities of the BMLRT are carried out at the department’s own federal agencies and federal offices or by external research institutions (mainly universities). Of particular interest is the joint cooperation of research institutes and vocational schools for agriculture and forestry. 

BMLRT participates in a number of national and European research committees. Since 2004 BMLRT has been involved in many ERA-NETs, JPIs and other partnering initiatives. Currently BMLRT is a partner in 7 ERA-NETs and in JPI FACCE (Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change in Europe). BMLRT is also a member of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR). 

Contact: Nina Radl