CASA Study

“Drivers of change and development in the EU livestock sector – Meta Analysis as basis for future scenario building” (pdf)

The Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP) published a study with the title “Drivers of change and development in the EU livestock sector – Meta Analysis as basis for future scenario building”. The study was funded by CASA and conducted by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany (BLE).

The study outlines the status quo of livestock production in the European Union and the relevant drivers of change that have shaped the animal sector during the past 60 years. The objective of this study was to understand the dynamics, which led to the present situation of the European livestock sector and analyze what were the most relevant drivers. The study has the aim to build a basis for a linkage of past and present on the one hand to a prospective future on the other. It includes both literature analysis and consultation of experts.


The following figure gives an overview of the different variables that have influenced the sustainability of animal production in the EU (Modified according to Zanten et al. 2016).



To reflect the literature analysis the views of 51 experts from the field of agricultural production and animal sciences were gathered: How important were the different driving forces and what is the level of implementation of sustainability in the EU livestock sector?

For example, the experts were asked to rank which drivers had the biggest impact on the animal production sector on national, European and global level. The results showed that the same influencing variables were rated as having a high impact on national and European level, which reflects a rather homogenous picture among the EU, whereas for the global level mainly two drivers that have not been mentioned for the national/European level were named by the experts.

Based on this comprehensive study CWG-SAP plans to work out a conceptual framework for the development of constructive future projections, realistic pathways and solutions to initiate the changes necessary for a more sustainable animal production sector in the future.

Contact: Lisett Martin, BLE,